Join The Hunt

Prey Caught

Rabbit: 3
Vole: 2
Mouse: 4
Bird: 5
Shrew: 3

Prey is plentiful! Join the hunt.

Warrior Code

The warrior code:

1: Clan cats should defend their Clan even at the cost of their own life.

2: Clan cats should not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.

3: Elders, queens, and kits should be fed first in the Clan.

4: Prey should not be killed for sport and StarClan must be thanked for its life.

5: Kits must be six moons old before they can become apprentices and be assigned mentors.

6: New warriors must sit a silent guard over camp and reflect on their new duties.

7: A warrior cannot become deputy without mentoring at least one apprentice.

8: When a Clan leader dies the Clan deputy must take their place as leader.

9: If a Clan deputy dies or retires the Clan leader must appoint a new one before moonhigh that night.

10: Every full moon all the Clans will meet in peace.

11: Clan boundaries are to be checked and marked daily and intruders to be chased off.

12: Warriors should always help a kit in danger even if it belongs to a different Clan.

13: The word of the Clan leader is to be obeyed.

14: Warriors should not kill in battle unless the opponent is outside the warrior code or threatening their life.

15: A true warrior rejects the ways of kittypets and other cats outside the Clan.

16: Medicine cats must not take mates or have kits.

17: Medicine cats must meet every half-moon to speak with StarClan.

18: Warriors must not take mates from outside their Clan.