A star shined brightly in the sky. The smokey-red sky made it stand out like it was angry. Two cats stared up at the sky.
"What's wrong, Midnightpelt?" The large, grey cat asked.
"Darkstar, they are going to rise." The tatterted, black cat snapped back. Her eyes were filled with knowledge yet she was young.
"Who?" Darkstar snarled.
"The ones you wiped out. The cats you sent into excile when you became leader. You remember that, don't you? I was a kit then. I remember that. They didn't aprove of you becomig leader, so you sent them of to die." Midnightpelt snarled.
"They deserved it. Now, how can we stop them?"
"You killed my parents. They are going to tear us apart. You have one life left. I wouldn't start a war. They are going to kill."
"War, it is in my blood. It's what feeds me. They live in the pine forest, we can attack them first."
"StarClan has spoken. There are four of us left. You, me, Sparrowclaw and Redeyes. They are elders. You can't fight this battle alone. I am leaving this clan, tonight. This clan, MouseClan, is not a clan. It's something you killed. I am going to warn the exiles." She growled and unsheathed her claws.
Darkstar pounced on her, "You aren't. I don't care what StarClan told you. That star, is nothing. It's just a star. I am going to kill all of those exiles, even the kits. The only blood spilled is theirs. And yours, if you are not careful." He clawed her shoulder, leaving a gash. Midnightpelt stood up.
"I know I'm going to die in this war. But I know that you will too. It's the rise. The rise of the fallen. The rise of PineconeClan."
With her strength, she bounded away through the trees. Darkstar was too shocked to chase her. He stared down at the forest, then up at the star. He snarled his teeth to disguise his fear.
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